Day 1 - Introduction
Hmmm - where to begin, I'm 25 years old. Full-time stay at home mom to, two beautiful little girls. I'm married to my high school sweetheart and we are coming up on 5 years this July. Crazy how time flies by! I love making our house a home and am constantly dreaming up new projects for The Hubs and me to tackle. Fortunately for me he's 90% of the time on board with me. I'm still adjusting to having two kids and fitting some "me" time in. When I used to have "me" time, I love to scrapbook/craft things, try new recipes for meals and baking, read books, listen to music, take photos of my beautiful family and our surroundings, blogging, writing, catch up with friends, enjoy a nice dinner with no kids with The Hubs or a friend. I'm still searching for where I want my life to go career wise when I'm ready to go back full-time. I have it narrowed down to a few possibilities, we'll just have to see where the future leads us.

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