So, I realized this weekend that she's going to be 5 months old in a week, um - where'd the time go? I had gotten Little One's ears pierced when she was 2 months old. So, Sunday morning I asked The Hubs if we could go get them done and he said we could. I told him though that he'd have to be the one to hold her. He reluctantly agreed. It's amazing what a baby in the ear piercing chair does to people. Three groups/families stopped to watched - it was basically annoying. Especially since this one Dad was like that's mean to do that to a baby. Um, she's not your kid so shut up please! And there were quite a few "Awww's" as well. It took a good 5 minutes it seemed to get the right pen marks on her ears, she's quite the mover so they kept getting messed up. We picked out a pair of dainty little gold flowers with a light pink center - can I just say they are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!! Love them and it's like suddenly she looks all girl and more grown up to The Hubs and me. She did cry a little longer than Little One did, but she was good after a few minutes and some cuddles from me.
Here's a couple pics:
Side view.
And I guess they are a little hard to see in this one, but she's just so adorable with that gummy double dimple smile!

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