I really can't believe you are already almost 1/2 a year young!!! Your personality has really started to come through and shine in the past couple weeks. This is definitely one of my favorite ages/stages with you! We had your 4 month check-up when you were approx. 4 1/2 months. Your weighing in at 17lbs 12ozs and 26 1/2 inches long, you are 95%^ for both categories. The size of an average 7 month old, although to us you seem small with the perfect amount of baby chub and rolls.
We got the go ahead to start you on cereal, fruits and veggies. You are doing great eating rice cereal, love sweet potatoes, bananas and applesauce. You were not a fan of squash. On the menu next week is to try some green beans. Whenever we are eating our meals and you are sitting watching us, you start smacking your lips together making noises because you want what we have. It's so cute and funny! At dinner Thursday night we put some fresh pears in a mesh feeder and you just went to town. Also, on Father's Day your Great-Grandma gave you a taste of cheese cake, Mommy wasn't too happy about that! The Dr also said your gums are getting thick and wouldn't be surprised if you don't have some teeth by your next appointment.
Your Dr is very impressed with you hitting all of your milestones, even some 6 month ones already! You now roll yourself where you want to go around the floor, love standing/bouncing in your exercauser, you like to sit against mommy or daddy, the couch or your bumbo, but can't do it by yourself yet without support. You continue to put your hands or ours along with any/all toys in your mouth. Your favorite toys are your Sophie, rattle soft doll, and your Nuby teether.
You are averaging 2 nights a week sleeping through the night from approximately 8-9pm to 7am. This past week you did it 3 nights in a row but the past two nights you've woken up at 4 and 5am. I know it's going to happen soon, at least this is what I keep telling myself! You are doing much better with napping and being put to sleep for night.
On Father's Day we went to the mall and got your ears pierced. You did great and cried for a couple minutes afterwards, we picked out gold flowers with pink centers for you. They make you look much more girly. You also have had 2 playdates this month with Hallie, she's crawling and you can tell that you want to follow but have no clue how to. And you are liking the pool more and more, getting more comfortable in your raft. I think we might have another water baby on our hands if you are anything like your sissy then we won't be able to get either of you out of the pool.
You are quite the hair pull-er and your Big Sister is always yelling for us to help her, b/c you get quite the hold on hers. Most times she thinks it funny. You light up with the biggest smiles when you first see her. I love watching your bond grow. She loves you so much and showers you with lots of kisses, laughs when you go to chomp on her fingers and is always showing you things, singing to you when you are crying and Mommy & Daddy can't get to you right away.
I look forward to seeing what the next month brings for you!

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