
Music Helps Cure Everything

Lately, I feel like I've been stuck in my own spiral downward.  I see it happening and as much as I try and stay positive, when the girls' are asleep and the house is quiet it just takes over.  The Hubs new job didn't work out, so we are back to square zero, yes I meant zero and not one like the saying.  Honestly, I know that things need to change and something work out for once, it's just frustrating, tiring, and makes me feel crappy.

Our families have been amazing and supportive through it all.  I'm so glad our parents there for anything that we need mentally/physically.  As I get older I realize how lucky we are.

When we got home tonight from a family picnic I turned on the tv and flipped on a concert special by Jason Mraz.  And suddenly as I was listening to his lyrics, it came flooding back how music gives us hope even during some of the darkest times.  I had shut this part of me off without even realizing it and now I just want to rummage through to find the artists who speak to my soul and help uplift.

One of my favorites is Sara Bareilles and thought I'd share her latest single - super catchy!


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