
Hoo Are You?


Here are this week's question? 

1. Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at.
- Being a Mom & Wife. 
2. Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at. 
- Waiting until the last minute on things, starting laundry and not always finishing (thanks Honey for finishing for me!).
3. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
- Yes, as much as you might not see the reason at the time, looking back it always seems to make sense. 
4. What is something you have eaten lately that you shouldn't have?
- Some sweet bbq chips tonight - late night snacking is baaaaaaad! 
5. Do you think the time should change or leave it alone?
- I normally LOVE the time change, but when babies are around it's not much fun, Avalynn still hasn't switched, and ironically the oldest is sleeping later for once! 


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