Over the summer I was yard sale-ing at a community yard sale with my parents. I was checking out mirrors and my Dad told me they had picked one up at a previous yard sale for $5 that I could have if I wanted it. I said sure, knowing I was going to paint it - either for the littlest's ones room or the living room. When I got this puppy home and really looked on it I noticed the sticker on the back. Take a look below and tell me what you see!
Your eyes are not deceiving you - that says Pottery Barn for $149.00. Seriously - an amazing deal my parents got it for and to me it was FREE! I ended up choosing to use it in the living room, so two weekends ago when we were spray painting oodles of things we decided to do this also. Taped off the mirror part and used a high gloss black spray paint.
Here she is on the freshly painted walls at the end of the stairs. I love it here - as we do not have any full length mirrors in this house and this gives a better view of yourself when you come down to make sure all is looking as it should.

such an awesome project, Kat - I love all of your DIY home projects. How do you find the time to do them and occupy your girls while you work? Or, do you do it during nap time?
me thinks pottery barn overcharges a bit!
Amber - Thank you! I try and do most projects either during nap or after bedtime. But I also work on things with them around, Emma helps out if possible and I usually can block Avalynn off but right by us with her toys and she's happy!
Penelope - Completely agree!
Holy cow! $149!!! That was a steal! I love how it looks in black.
Great job!! Love what you've done.
Happy Friday!
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