Here's the things that made me smile this month:
- One of my BFF's got married, my oldest and I were in the wedding party and we had a wonderful time helping to celebrate their new union!
- The Hubs has decided to go into his own business and I couldn't be more proud. I look forward to becoming partners in this new venture as we are in everything else.
- Taking the girls' to the pumpkin patch and enjoying time with extended family and hay rides.
- Enjoying apple cider for breakfast.
- Getting our family wall finished and the living room re-painted, along with a couple other house projects.
- Trick or Treat night, we had the cutest witch and kitty! And cutest story: Oldest went up to a house where there was a lady dressed and then someone dressed in a gorilla suit. The gorilla suit person didn't scare her but went to shake her hand and she got so scared, she comes bolting around the corner running down their driveway crying and screaming THANK YOU as she she's running away. Seriously, this still makes me bust up thinking about it.
- Our oldest is just funny, end of story. She has some great one liners. For example #1: When her Aunt told her she was a bed hog, her reply is yeah well your a ground hog! Example #2: When her Aunt told her she should sleep in until 11am (as she's an early riser and was sleeping over) her reply was that's too much clock! Yeah, I love her!
- Youngest is such an incredibly happy baby.
- Playing Barbies and setting up her dream house.
- Game night with friends', good conversation and great laughter.
- At home manicures and spa like pedicures.
- Putting on make-up and doing my hair for the first time in months.
- Getting out of the mom schlump.
- Taking photos everyday.
- Carving pumpkins.
These are just some of the many things that have made me smile this past month. What are some of yours?