Tuesday the 20th I woke up feeling amazing. We were at the hospital @ 8:30. The midwife checked and she said if this were my 1st delivery she’d recommend another gel as the 1st didn’t do much. We agreed to try pitocin and re-assess my progress in the afternoon. The Dr. then came in early afternoon to break my water. My main goal this delivery was to hold off on the epidural as it stalled my two previous deliveries. I waited until I was 6cm and then asked for the epidural.
Shortly after getting comfortable, pain wise – my mom brought the girls’ in for a little visit. Once they left I took a nap for about an hour. I woke up because I was starting to get uncomfortable. Played a card game with my sister and then she decided to go get a drink. I woke up the Hubs telling him to get awake because I was pretty sure next time they checked me, it’d be baby pushing time.
The midwife came in and said that I changed drastically and that I’d be able to push through the last bit I needed to. She left and ended up coming right back in because Brynlee’s head was right there without me doing any pushing. Just as I was getting ready to start pushing my sister walked in the room in the knick of time. A couple minutes and about 10 pushes later, Miss Brynlee Renee entered the world at 9:59pm, weighing 9lbs, 20 in, on 9.20.2011. The lee in Brynlee’s name is for my Gramma who passed away exactly 4 months ago on the 20th.
I feel like this time after delivery is kicking my butt. I’m feeling overall pretty much back to normal physically. But holy cow, super emotional, this time around. I hope that all of this level’s out sooner rather than later! I feel like this transition of 2 to 3 kids has gone much smoother than it did going from 1 to 2. The girls’ love their little sister so much and I have to confess that Miss A is doing so awesome, is super gentle and hasn’t showed much jealously issues yet like I feared. Granted it’s only been 1 week, but this gives me hope! Now I must go wake her up to nurse.
Oh good job Mama!!!!!! She is a keeper for sure!
awwwwww congrats momma she's beautiful & so is your family! ♥
She is beautiful Kat!!! Congrats to you and your family!!
what a beautiful birth story and a BEAUTIFUL baby girl - what an amazingly gorgeous family. Happy to hear the girls are handling the transition well :)
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