
Our Christmas Tree

Here is the final product of our tree this year, and I honestly couldn't be more pleased!  I must confess - I did the tree twice this year.  We had it decorated and done, then last week it was really bugging me so I completely undecorated it.  I know I'm nuts sometimes.  It's pre lit with white christmas lights, so I headed to Michael's and picked up a few strands of colored lights to add for some variety.  And 3 spools of green ribbon to wrap around the tree and add some froofiness under the star of the tree.  And then I re-hung every last ornament, making sure to keep all of the breakables on the upper half of the tree, away from tiny little baby hands that are curious and love to pull things off and in their mouth.  End result = more in love with our tree!!! 

Love our personalized family of 4 ornament that was added to our collection this year! 

I've come to realize after looking at many trees throughout blogland that our tree is jammed packed.  I try to squeeze on as many as possible, majority of them are homemade ornaments from our families, childhood ones from the Hubs and I, handpainted balls from the Hubs Gramma, and all of Emma's creations (what proud Mama wouldn't hang them all?!), and very few store bought ones.

What do you like to have on your tree?  Do you decorate with a theme in mind or enjoy the mish mash of ornaments?  Tinsel or a no-no?

I'm joining in over at Thrifty Decor Chick's Tree Party, come join the fun!!!



Skooks said...

It looks so beautiful! I love homemade ornaments too. :)

Amber - Binkertation said...

BEAUTIFUL! I go with a mish mash of ornaments too.. no real "theme" - white lights only and tons of ornaments. No tinsel, but gold beads this year. I'll have to post mine on the blog soon.

Penelope said...

It's beautiful!

We aren't doing a tree until little man gets older (he may get hurt for now) but I love sentimental ornaments, like those crafted by children, or celebrating our first year together, etc. No theme otherwise.I also live tinsel :)

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Thanks ladies!

Penelope - My in-laws are BIG tinsel lovers, never grew up with it so it just seems strange to me - but over the past 10 years of being with my husband I've grown to appreciate the extra sparkle it can bring to a tree.