So, earlier in the week, your 18 month, 1 1/2 yr birthday passed. I honestly, didn't even realize it until 10pm that night. You are a fireball of energy these days keeping us all on our toes. My Dr thinks you are part of the reason I'm having great weight gain this pregnancy. Even though you tire me out, it's all worth it. This week Daddy and I worked on your new joint room with Emma, last night was your first time sleeping in the same room. You did very well, we still have you in your crib, but your big girl bed is all assembled, just have to pick up your mattress (we've been storing at Gramma's & Pop-Pop's), and put on your new bedding when it arrives next week. Although you won't be making the switch to that bed anytime soon.
You still aren't saying that many words, hi/hello, buh-bye, tickle, tickle, tickle, night night, your own version of ready, set, go, Bella no!, mama = Emma, Mom or MomMom is Daddy or I. For some reason you've stopped saying Dada, and everyone is Mom. Sometimes you'll repeat words, but nothing consistent that you continue saying. You move your fingers like you are snapping but make the noise with your mouth, it's too cute. You do understand though when we ask you to get something or put away a toy. You also can go down the steps as well as up, with one of us behind/in front depending which direction you are going. Daddy taught you how to go down last week, and with your room now 2 floors up from the main level, I'm thankful!
You are such a big helper on cleaning days. I give you your own cloth, and you'll put your sippy cup upside down on the furniture and make the "shh" spraying noise the cleaner makes when I spray it for my own cloth. It's so cute! When anyone is crying, usually Emma, you'll go over and pat her and talk to her in your own words to her and give hugs and kisses. You love coloring, being a monster and chasing Emma, dancing when any song comes on, and tickling anyone. You've had lots of pool time this summer and enjoy being in your ducky raft playing with some floating pool toys.
We have your 18 month check-up in a couple weeks. Your feet have grown again and we just got you new sneakers in a size 7. Your holding steady in the clothes dept at the 24 month size, now that you are so mobile you can tell that you are losing some of your baby-ness. You are in size 5 diapers. Your hair is long enough to be up in a 1/2 pony tail, pigtails, or swooped to the side with a couple barettes. Your bottom 2 molars have popped through in the past couple weeks, you now have 10 teeth total. You eat pretty well overall, still picky about potatoes or noodles or any kind except for spaghetti or french fries. You are always using a fork now and love to dip your meats in ketchup. You love your veggies and you look fwd to having your nightly popsicle after dinner.
You are doing better when there are other babies around, especially when I'm holding them. You are a *big* Mommy's girl, always climbing up in my lap, aka pouncing on the belly, all the time for snuggles or to just sit. I was getting worried with Brynlee's arrival around the corner, but as more times passes, I have a feeling you are going to be a great big sister just like Emma. So many fun things coming up, I can't wait to see your excitement with the coming holidays this fall and Brynlee's arrival.
You are such a bright light of pure JOY in our lives, I look fwd to the coming months.
Love you,
the Mama

I love letters to lil ones. She is going to LOVE readng this when she is older.
My littest, which will be 2 in Sept is tiny compared... she is in a size 3 diaper, wears size 12-18 mo clothes & is in a size 5 shoe. She is my littlest for sure. I love that she isn't very big because usually by now I would be ready to pop with another. LOL
wow 18 months already?!?! She is sooo darling. I can't believe she wears a 7 in shoes - Audrey does too, but I think she has tiny feet for her age, which is funny since mine are HUGE. ha -- anyway, Happy happy 1 1/1 birthday to your sweet girl.
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