- Finish re-finishing our staircase.
- Get lamps for the living room, play area, kids' rooms.
- Re-organize basement - PURGE, PURGE, PURGE!
- Paint ceiling in dining room.
- Fix ceiling in kitchen.
- Replace window pane in kitchen window.
- Find a dresser and re-do it for living room.
- Wall mount tv.
- Create canvas art for living room.
- Revamp living room curtains or sew new ones.
- Paint bookcase for B's room.
- Create gallery wall in B's room.
- Hang blackout curtains in B's room.
- Make custom headboard for our room.
- Make embroidery family tree for our room.
- Make new throw pillows for the couch and our bed.
- Make/thrift new accessories to decorate tabletops and shelving.
- Update photos in living room gallery wall.
- Re-paint shutters.
- Fix roof over addition.
- Paint the exterior of the house.
- Make our first vegetable/herb garden.
- Create storage area outside for kids' toys.
I will of course be updating as we check things off of this wonderful semi-long list! :o) What do you have planned for around your casa this year?

Awwweee look at that beautiful picture of you & your girls in your header. LOVE it!
Ohhh man do I need to re-organize!
LOVE the new blog layout - the photo of you and your girls in the header is perfect :)
WOW - you have compiled a super ambitious list, but from what I've seen, you and Eric are insanely productive when it comes to the house. You put me to shame, for sure! We have lots planned, but I'm focusing on the little homey things... updating photos, finishing touches in Jameson's room and then we have a big renovation to complete - back splash in the kitchen and new floors! Oy! So much to do, but it'll be worth it :)
Looking forward to reading/seeing you cross items off your to-do list.
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