FRIDAY has come around again and with it comes time for confessing... *Click on the button above to head over to Mamarazzi's blog and check out the link-up of other bloggers confessions*
I confess... I had a check-up with the baby/preg. Dr and he made me feel oh SO wonderful by the time I had left. I had my 1st gain of the pregnancy ,25 wks along, only a couple lbs and was told how I need to watch it, blah blah blah. Then my uterus was measuring big. My BP was OK. My early glucose tests were OK. And then as we are walking out of the room he begins to tell me what creams I can use for my face, um - I have rosacea - so unless I'm on my antibiotic pill nothing helps me, this isn't my 1st rodeo in being pregnant, and I know that I can't take my meds, so therefore I just deal with it.
I confess...he had me schedule at my appts through the end and I gladly avoided being scheduled with him and another Dr in that practice.
I confess...he also told me to schedule out 1 week past my due date. Which shocked me, they induced me with my oldest on my due date and my youngest a week early. I have big babies oldest = 8lbs 14ozs and youngest = 9lbs 5.2ozs. When I asked about being induced with this one he said only if I have gestational diabetes again.
I confess...I'm not going to lie, part of me wishes I have it, b/c I do NOT want to be waiting a week after my due date and be delivering an 11 lb baby!
I confess...I had the best time with the Hubs during his "weekend" this past week. We got so much stuff done around the house/outside, plus spent tons of quality time as a family. I love weekends like that.
I confess...the youngest was on a sleep strike yesterday, which made the day no fun for me. Let's hope today is better.
I confess...One of the best things to watch is the girls' playing together, their friendship grows more and more each week and I love seeing that bond.
I confess...the Hubs grandparents just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this past Tuesday and I hope that the Hubs and I get to see that #, living that long I mean.

It does make my heart happy to see my boys playing together.
that is so sweet that your little girls play together. I hate jerk doctors so much. It's hard enough just going to the doc, getting poked and prodded, etc. and then they made you feel worse. Jerkfaces!
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