- I finally checked my inbox tonight and had 219 emails...eeks! Thankfully, it's empty again...
- Holy cow, July will be here in 1 day! This means that we are getting down to the nitty gritty of our tri-bedroom remodel/switch-a-roo.
- Tonight after the girls' were in bed, Hubs & I sat in the yard on our swing and went through the list of everything that needs sold, built, bought...his poor head was spinning as he kept seeing his to-do list grow.
- The youngest is teething her molars hardcore this = absolutely no fun for me! Night time sleeping, means that I get awoken to screaming, not fussiness or crying, but screaming. Naps are the same. I've resorted back to her newborn days and rock and rock and rock her.
- I can't wait to have some time and write up all of the blog posts running through my head, recipes I talked about last week, ideas for Baby B's nursery, ideas for the older girls' room, ideas for our bedroom, DIY fountain the Hubs whipped together for our garden, fabric picking & sewing baby items, etc.
- Tantrums are a totally new thing that I'm slowly learning to deal with.
- Miss A is in for a very rude awakening when Baby B arrives, when holding my BFF's little guy tonight, she went nuts crying and what not to sit on my lap and have me all to herself.
- Figuring out a preschool for the oldest for the fall, so glad to have finally found the right place to look in for reasonable priced preschool that's not a daycare!