
Operation Healthy Mom - Week 3

This week I'm down .5lbs.  Which I'm happy with, I've been doing some research about losing weight when nursing and they said  1lb a week is great, since I can't really cut out a bunch of calories.  I'm looking into Weight Watchers for Nursing Mother's Plan.  But I don't want to pay, so am still researching it. I did it years ago but don't have my materials anymore.

Also, instead of having a stash of diapers down here, I moved everything up to Baby Girls room, forcing me to do the stairs several times for throughout the day.

I wanted to share this site, where 8 women are competing to lose the most amount of weight in 8 weeks, it's called The Flab to Fab Blogger Fitness Challenge.  If you have a moment go check out their progress.

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