
Wordless Wednesday

She gives the baby kisses and talks to him/her a couple times a day - one of my favorite things. 17 weeks 1 day here.


Dr.John said...

Now that is one cute picture.

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy!

Hi, I'm stopping by from SITS! I just wanted to share some comment love. I hope the rest of your week is absolutely amazing!

Many Blessings,

Teresa <><

The Read the Story of Why I Blog:


robin said...

Awww. I love this! How sweet! :)

WhiteSockGirl aka The Fabulous Bitch said...

Sooooo schweeet!

Thanks girl! You are quite blinged yourself,... mine is solo!

Steph said...


...stopping by from SITS...

Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge


lynn said...

Stopping by from SITS. Happy Saturday Sharefest!

That pic is so adorable!

Unknown said...

That is just precious!