
My Happy List


It's been one of those weeks and I've decided I need to sit down and re-assess - make my happy list.  I'm linking up with Mamarazzi, click over to read every one else's Happy List.

- Our beautiful 2 wk old is fast asleep on the cushion between the Hubs and I, while we watch our Tuesday night shows.
- Prepared freezer meals made for us, that make days like today that much easier because I just have to thaw and bake dinner for the family.
- DISH now has a Barbie channel - it occupies the older 2 for a little bit at least.
- Fall decorations have come out of the basement.
- Feeling my creative bug coming back.
- MIL offering to take the older two overnight this coming long weekend.
- The Hubs coming home after working 12+ hr days and putting the baby to sleep so I can get some extra ZZZ's.
- Cashews, m&m's, water, iced tea - my go-to's the past couple days.



Mamarazzi said...

fabulous Happy List....

the barbie channel? AWESOME!

i decorated for Halloween in September because i was feeling blah, totally made me happy. i cannot wait to decorate for Fall now too!!

thanks for linking up, love your happy list as much as i love when you confess on Fridays!

Myya said...

Definitely LOTS to be happy about!

So this Barbie channel... I need that!!! LOL

Amber - Binkertation said...

love it, mama!!! Freezer meals rock - enjoy your snuggly newborn :)

I think I'll try this list next week - it's nice to remind yourself of all you have to be happy for!