
Friday Confessions


I confess...

I'm so behind on many things and it's driving me a little batty.

I confess...

Any computer time usually only involves being able to use the mouse, I have emails to respond to (Steph - I will get back to you on the carseat!), comments, blog posts I wish I had the time to write.

I confess...

For real, am at a total low place with my "friends".  As Baby B is 24 days old today and they still haven't met her.  It saddens me the excuse of being too busy being used.  And what I thought was true friendship makes me second guess.

I confess...

We had Baby B's 3 wk check and she still isn't back up to birth weight.  It's frustrating with me breastfeeding that her older sister A could pack on the weight like no other and I can't get hers back up.  So, we are having lots of 1 on 1 time and more nursing sessions through the day.  I hope that at next weeks weight check she shows a good gain.

I confess...

Whoever said it gets easier less worrisome for parents each child must be mistaken.  I feel like I had very minimum concerns when Emma was a newborn and didn't stress/have anxiety like I do have with A & B.

I confess...

I need to figure out a better daily routine.  I guess it's a good day if we are all dressed, me showered and dressed, fed and the house cleaned up by the end of the day.

I confess...

I need to do something for my soul, it's feeling a little empty right now.  I want to hear that music speak to me, be creative, get lost in a book, do something artsy with my girls', make time for house decor projects and making gifts for our loved ones for Christmas.

*I really really feel a little better getting all of this out there! Click on the button above and check out Mamarazzi's confessions along with all of the other people confessing today.



Myya said...

My 3rd did the same to me with weight gain. Around week 3 or 4 she finally started to jump on the bandwagon. I hope that B does so really soon.

Your "friends" suck! It sounds like you really could use a pick me up & then should be aware enough to see that. I hope they get it together!!!

Hang in there mama, you are doing a great job. 3 is definitely different & it will all come together for your family.

Hugs xoxoxo

Steph Hughes said...

Keep your chin up! I bet you are doing an amazing job! No worries about getting back to me on the car seat. Whenever you get a chance. Just love on those cute little girls!

Amber - Binkertation said...

::HUGS:: Kat - you have so much going on; don't beat yourself up, Mama. I hope your "friends" come around because it's really important to celebrate EVERY baby that comes along. I wish I could come see Miss B!!!

Keep doing what you're doing - I'm sure she'll be up to birth weight in no time. You are a wonderful mama.