
Wordless Wednesday

Me and the girls' were having fun with some photoshoots this week, these two are my new favorites! 



Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Kat! They are adorable! I love both pictures and am jealous of Avalynn's hair!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Lols - I was bald, bald, bald until I was 2 years old, Hubby needed his first haircut @ 4 months, so it's always interesting to see who our kids will favor, so far both girls are a good mix I think.

Natalie said...

So cute!!

And your daughter...the baby...I'm so jealous of all that hair! My twins will be a year old next week and barely have a lick of hair between the two of them!

Mamarazzi said...

oh the cuteness!! i love all the girly sweetness!!

thanks for stopping by my blog and for voting on the latest poll!!

Meaghan said...

great pics! (I sent you an email, but here is mine: meagbeth2@hotmail.com)

idesign said...

cute cute CUTE!!!!

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