As the week progressed the nights kept getting worse and worse, Friday night being the absolute worse! Horrible screaming, minimal sleeping after midnight that night. I felt so bad that she was in so much pain and there wasn't much I could do for her. I stayed up with her until 5:30am and then finally gave in and had to wake up the Hubs, which I hated to do since he gets up @ 4am M-F and I like to let him sleep in. But alas - we had a extended family photo shoot scheduled for 9am and this girl needed some shut eye!
One tooth has popped through completely and I'm praying and hoping the other one is very very soon, it's extremely swollen. Am happy to report though that definitely got a little more sleep last night than Friday night, but not much more.
Anyways to sum it up - teething for Baby Girl is miserable for her and not so fun for me, hate seeing her in pain.

Oh I feel your pain!! Abby is teething too, though she's not as far along as Avalynn. I hope that the other one pops up soon, so that you can both get some sleep!
Aww, so sorry you are both having a tough time!
One thing I've heard that may help... soak a wash cloth in water and put it in a bowl in the freezer. When it's frozen, give it to her to gnaw on. The cold helps to numb the pain, and the chewing just down right feels good! Since it's soft, you don't have to worry about her hurting herself.
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