This is an assortment of the past two weeks.
1. Used a birthday gift card and picked up these super soft and ruffle-y teal blue pillows. I'm so in love with them!!!
2. Miss A's Birthday cake.
3. This was on a Sunday, heading to the grocery store around 7am and the sunrise was just so pretty, so drove down to the boat launch, this is looking across the river towards our capital.
4. Gorgeous weather, everyone outside to play, this is the Hubs and A.
5. Baby B hanging out in the swing for the first time.
6. Passed out after some floor time.
7. Opened up a bottle of wine that I got for my birthday from the Bestie, it was from Cupcake Vineyards, SO yummy!
8. A and me playing around in Photo Booth on the new laptop, this is the chipmunk effect, cracks me up!
9. B hanging out.
10. Oldest feeding B.
11. My gorgeous laptop cover from Gussy Sews came in the mail.
12. Hubby mounting our tv on the wall.
13. Made a double batch of triple chocolate {used, semi-sweet, milk, & dark chocolate}, one container left with my Uncle.
14. Got some snow, about an inch, it was so pretty.
15. Hubs taking a nap with B in the afternoon.

Fun!! I love Miss B's smile and where can I find the recipe for the triple chocolate cookies? Yum!
So guess what??!?
I get to be your swapping partner for Mamarazzi's Favorite Things swap! Woot!
Love the Insta-Friday idea and just might have to steal it, if ever I find my camera again. :)
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