The Fabulous Bitch awarded me with this lovely "Your Blog is so SWANK" award this past weekend. I forget where or how I stumbled across her blog but it is such a great & funny read! Go ahead and check her out, you won't regret it!
She said this about my little blog: measuring my life in l-o-v-e (Kat)
I just love the name of this blog! And Kat is doing her blog’s name justice. If you expected a sweet loving blogger, then you won’t be disappointed.
Let's just say it was a great way to end the weekend reading these words. Thank you again!!!

Now to pass on this lovely gem to two ladies blogs I love to visit and read. In no particular order:
Michaela over at Mama Michie's Musings
Trudy over at Third Time's a Charm
Have some good news to share -
I am 19 weeks along in this pregnancy today. :: sigh :: I can't believe that this pregnancy is half over!!!! We go this Friday 9.11.09 for the BIG u/s! I'm nervous and excited, personally I just hope that this baby shows us the money shot since our daughter never gave us a 100% clear shot. Below are a few shots I took today.
She said this about my little blog: measuring my life in l-o-v-e (Kat)
I just love the name of this blog! And Kat is doing her blog’s name justice. If you expected a sweet loving blogger, then you won’t be disappointed.
Let's just say it was a great way to end the weekend reading these words. Thank you again!!!

Now to pass on this lovely gem to two ladies blogs I love to visit and read. In no particular order:
Michaela over at Mama Michie's Musings
Trudy over at Third Time's a Charm
Have some good news to share -
I am 19 weeks along in this pregnancy today. :: sigh :: I can't believe that this pregnancy is half over!!!! We go this Friday 9.11.09 for the BIG u/s! I'm nervous and excited, personally I just hope that this baby shows us the money shot since our daughter never gave us a 100% clear shot. Below are a few shots I took today.

Also, not sure if I blogged about it, but the Hubs did get the job he was going for testing for last week! Well he didn't get the job he tested for but he got another job at that place. And personally am, A'OK with that, since the job is at Three Mile Island, aka TMI, and that job was dealing with radiation, this new position will be working on the cooling towers. And we knew there'd be overtime hours but he got the word today. End of October until at least the New Year he'll be working 7 days a week 10-12 hour days. Am just trying to prep myself for all of that extra work that will be on me without his help, but if he can do those hours and work then I know I'll be able to do what needs to be done.
Also - we have an official MOVING DAY! Damn it's taken a long ass while - considering we were supposed to be in there this past July 4th. But, his uncle will be out of there by the 12th of October, so that gives us a couple weeks to clean/paint and get all moved in before the Hubs overtime hours start. Yeah - life is definitely going to be crazy the next few months.
And my last bit of good news, that will hopefully turn into AMAZING news is that we have a repeat showing scheduled for tomorrow. We lowered our house price a week in a half ago and this couple had looked at the house before the price drop and were interested but not for that price. Fingers and toes are crossed - this will be such a stress reliever when the house is sold and not having to deal with any of it anymore!!!
I just need to say that after months of a down time in the roller coaster of life, I'm so glad to be climbing back up that big hill and for these better times that are coming.
Congrats on all the good news!
How wonderful that your husband got a job and how exciting about your ultrasound and the showing.
Good luck with both!
I'm already a follower but I saw you on SITS and wanted to stop in a say good morning. I was so pleased to read your positive post. A real uplifter for me this morning.
Stopping by from SITS!
Congrats on being halfway to the end and hope the baby "shows" you the money!
Thanks for the award Kat! You are so sweet. I promise to get it up very soon, we don't have a computer at home right now and I am working on a blog makeover too, as soon as we are back up and running.
Congratulations to your hubs on the job, sounds like a fabulous opportunity for you both! Don't work too hard though while he is gone. You look FABULOUS! I only hope I can look that good at 19 weeks!
Best of luck with the u/s on Friday...I hope the little one behaves so you can get the dish!
God bless!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!! Love that baby bump!
Thanks for stopping by this morning!
Glad to find you and read this great post. It is so great to hear about so many wonderful things going on in your life right now.
Good luck with the pregnancy and I hope everything goes smoothly.
What a cute blog you have! Hope the u/s tells you exactly what you're looking for... ;) I'll be back here for sure to find out!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for sending me the birthday love yesterday! fun to "meet" you!
Congrats on the awards! And on the pregnancy!!! It's such an amazing thing. My best friend just had her first and he's incredibly lovely. Makes me want one :(
Someday ;)
Could your belly look any cuter!
Congrats to you.
Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats on the pregnancy! I'm 25 weeks along. Christmas baby, here we come!
Ultrasound TOMORROW?! EEEE!
Super cute top, by the way.
congrats on your award!! good luck at ultrasound hope u get the money shot!
Sassy Chica
Wow you have so much going on in life right now! Congratulations!
Congrats on the Award and thanks for passing it on =)
Let us know how the u/s goes and if you were able to sneak a peek ;)
Sounds like you and your family have a fun couple of weeks ahead of you, here's to hoping your place sells!
I'm due two days after you! How cool!
Except with twins I doubt I'll make it that long, although it would be great.
Congrats on your award:) You look really great by the way and a GIRL!! That's wonderful.
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