
12 on 12–April Edition

This month, not only did I remember the 12 on 12 challenge but was able to actually get 12 pictures! 

12 on 12

01. Emma singing and dancing to one of the morning shows.
02. Miss A sporting her side pony and sitting cutely, before creating major chaos in the toy area less than 5 minutes later.
03. Girls were sitting at their table coloring and Miss A decided to move her artistic abilities to the wall beside her instead of the paper she was using.
04. Girls’ watching Bubble Guppies, one of their favorite shows.
05. Finished my 1st book on the Kindle, Happy Mother’s Day to me from the Hubs!
06. After this week, needed a sweet, so picked up some caramel filled chocolate chip break apart cookies at the store this week – yummy!
07.  The Bestie came over, it was a nice distraction, plus it’s probably the last time I’ll see her before she gives birth to her 1st baby, a little boy!
08.  Yummy dinner – sweet potato fries (tried the new Ore Ida ones, yum!) and a crescent roll/chicken/cheese dinner thing. *will share the recipe soon*
09. On my way for my daily visit to Gramma’s was stopped at a red light and decided to take a picture of gas prices.
10. Mom holding Gramma’s hand.
11. Me holding Gramma’s hand.
12. My little sister holding Gramma’s hand.


Unknown said...

Love the photos of your hands with your grandmas.
I just bought the OreIda sweet potato fries, but haven't tried them yet because I didn't want to turn on the oven (we don't have a deep fryer). Glad to see you liked them and it really makes me want to try them now!

Deann said...

Those last three made me cry...love them!

Miss A needs to come visit Matt. He wrote all over the seat of our leather recliner with a black ink pen!!! Remind me to tell you all about it..LOL!

Love all the pics!!

Amber - Binkertation said...

Yes, I'm intrigued by this chicken/cheese/crescent situation and would like the recipe!!!

Your girls are cute as ever :)