Top Songs on my Ipod:
1. "Lucky" Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
2. "Inside Out" Trisha Yearwood feat. Don Henley
3 "Rock & Roll" Eric Hutchinson
4. "Fallin' Apart" The All-American Rejects
5. "Summer Rain" Carl Thomas
6. "Brand New Me" Colbie Caillat
7. "Thinking of You" Katy Perry
8. "Almost Lover" A Fine Frenzy
9. "More Than Anyone" Gaven Degraw Stripped Version
10. "My Life Would Suck W/O You" Kelly Clarkson
11. "On My Own" Les Miserables
12. "Spiderwebs" No Doubt
13. "Magic Carpet Ride" Steppenwolf
Good songs!!
Great Post! I miss you! ♥ Hugs :)
Definitely number 13! Glad to be here today :) Trying to get back into the loop again lol!
I so love daughter has an iPod but I dont...hmmm...
those are some great songs
hey check out a great mommy board
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