Today was baby appt day!!! The little one loves these days because she gets to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was so cute, when waiting for the Dr. to come in, she stepped up on the ledge thing for the table I was sitting on and hugged the belly and told Avalynn to not be scared the Dr. was just going to check her out. I mean really - love her!!!
All looks good. Still measuring 2 weeks ahead with fundal height. And I did ask about having sharp pains and he asked if I felt like everything was going to fall out and when I agreed he said it's completely normal. I do not remember it this early with the little one, but then again perhaps this is why there's that saying, "everything happens faster the 2nd time around."
Next Monday the 7th we have a growth ultrasound scheduled. And then I only have 6 more appts left, 2 more bi-weekly's and then the 4 weekly's. Eeeks - it's going so fast and we have nothing done in her room yet. The even more sad part is that almost every weekend from now until D-day is packed. But I'm trying to still not stress, I know it will get done, just feeling some mommy guilt perhaps.
Pregnancy Review:
How far along: 31 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: 15 lbs - eeks, had my appt today and it was not a good gain, I've been a little crazy with the desserts & chocolates this past month, the funny thing is I normally can make them but hardly ever eat them, guess that's pregnancy for you.
Maternity clothes?: Definitely.
Strech marks?: No new ones.
Sleep: Getting more uncomfortable and now in the wide awake for random hours during the night. Bleah.
Best moment this week: Hearing her beautiful heartbeat @ today's appt.
Movement: OOO - yes!
Food cravings: Sweets, Corn Dogs, Pasta's and Breads oh-my!
Gender: 110% GIRL
What I miss: to sleep like the dead, no sharp pains.
Labor Signs: Not really - just some Braxton Hicks if I do too much.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but it's getting flatter as it's being pushed out.
What I am looking forward to: finally meeting her and holding her in my arms. It's not just the length of this preg. I've been waiting, since my first miscarriage after having the little one, so this is 2+ years and I'm so ready for her to be here.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but it's getting flatter as it's being pushed out.
What I am looking forward to: finally meeting her and holding her in my arms. It's not just the length of this preg. I've been waiting, since my first miscarriage after having the little one, so this is 2+ years and I'm so ready for her to be here.
Weekly Wisdom: That with less than 2 months left, we should really start her nursery! I mean really - how can I say I'm so excited and then not have anything ready yet. My only excuse is that I can't very well do it myself and with the Hubs working his 7 day weeks it's been pushed to the side.
Milestones: Getting through everyday at this point. I'm ready to be considered fullterm and to have her!
Here's some pictures from today.
And I'd also like to say thank you to everyone for the sweet comments on our name choice. I'm still having to defend it to some family members - but am standing firm as this is what I already consider her to be and it feels like a good fit.
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